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Pediatric Dental Exams & Hygiene

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We started our practice to make dental care fun, friendly, and accessible for kids. And while we’re excited to see how Rockland Pediatric Dental & Orthodontics has grown into a whole-family practice, caring for your child’s oral health is where our heart is.

When your children visit our office in New City, you and they can both feel relaxed knowing that your comfort and care are our priorities.

Routine dental care is important for patients of all ages! Twice-yearly check-ups and cleanings help us to monitor the health of your child’s teeth — and offer an opportunity to become more comfortable visiting the dentist.

We recommend that you bring your child for an initial visit by their first birthday. Starting early is a great way to get a jump on good oral health, but it’s never too late to start preventative dental care.

What happens at my child’s first visit to the dentist?

The first visit to the dentist is a big step, and we can’t wait to welcome your child!

At your initial visit, we’ll provide a tour of our office and an opportunity to meet our friendly team of pediatric dentists and hygienists. We’ll talk to you to get a clear picture of your child’s diet and overall health care and to answer any questions you may have.

Next, we’ll do a quick exam to assess what’s happening with your child’s teeth followed by a gentle cleaning with toothpaste and a fluoride treatment. Both the toothpaste and fluoride come in yummy flavors, so encourage your child to ask for their favorite!

If your child’s dentist wants to further assess any dental health concerns, they may recommend x-rays or a more detailed treatment plan. We are here to answer all of your questions both during your visit and after — call us anytime!

How can a pediatric dentist help my child’s growing smile?

Did you know that pediatric dentists receive specialized training to learn how to best care for young patients? Drs. Herman and Chaly bring years of experience and expertise in caring for the teeth of babies, children, and teens, including patients with special health needs.

Pediatric dentists not only understand the unique oral health needs of young people, they also know how to help children feel relaxed and comfortable while receiving dental care, and they can speak to some of the emotional aspects of maintaining a healthy smile that teens and older children might encounter.

Schedule an initial appointment at Rockland Pediatric Dental & Orthodontics today to learn more about how you can support your child’s dental health as they grow.

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